Can I Break an Addiction to Pornography? from
God wants us to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and to experience His victory in every area of our lives. Tragically, sin and addiction can quickly rob us of the joy and freedom we should enjoy through Christ Jesus.
Sin has been around since Satan convinced Adam and Eve that they needed something outside of God’s will, but it is increasingly evident in our culture today. Behavior that used to be considered shameful is now flaunted. Recently, there has been an astronomical rise in the amount of pornography which is readily available over the Internet, on television, and in other media. Consequently, more people are exposed to it – and more are hooked. Although Christians may think they should be immune to pornography’s attraction, increasing numbers of believers are falling prey to its powerful lure and becoming addicted.
If you feel trapped in an endless cycle of lust, guilt, and broken promises, God wants to set you free! Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and might have it abundantly” (John 10:10, NRSV). The Bible promises that the power of sin is broken by Christ as we surrender to Him (see Romans 6:1-14).
As you read, may you discover how much God wants to forgive you, deliver you, and give you the abundant life that He has promised to all who follow Him.
(This content was formerly a booklet sent out by CBN to help people in their quest to overcome porn addiction and have the victorious life available to them through faith in Jesus Christ.)
Testimony: Free After 40 Years
Outwardly, Phil and Bobi Naukam looked like a happy couple. With others, Phil seemed kind and friendly, but alone with Bobi and their three children, he was sarcastic, abusive, and full of rage. The underlying reason: his 40-year addiction to pornography since age 13. As a young man, Phil served in the military, where porn was considered macho. He recalls that when he married Bobi, “I didn’t know what marriage was about. Playboy taught me about relationships and intimacy.” Bobi thought the problem was solved when she told him to get rid of those magazines – but secretly, he remained heavily addicted for 33 years of their marriage. Keeping such a big secret from those closest to him caused Phil to become increasingly withdrawn and emotionally absent from the family.